The Final Stretch

Wow! Last week just flew by. I'm sure this week will be no different. It is the end of the semester, and, as one might imagine, I've got more things to do than I have time to do them. But it is always a labor of love and I have no reason to complain. In fact, I never have a reason to complain, do I? Last night one of our elders (pastors) preached on Romans 5:1-5 on one of those bizarre things that Christians believe: We consider it joy when we go through life trials. Read that last line again. trials. We do this, according to Paul, the author of the letter, because of what God has done, is doing, and will do. Those who have turned from their sin-lifestyle and are trusting Christ have been declared totally righteous in God's sight. How is that possible? It is because Jesus the sinless God-Man was executed on a cross in their place. As a result of this act where the holy God declares us to be righteous, we now have access to God through Jesus Christ for daily help. And this gives us a real hope for the future. Not a hope-so, but a solid steel hope that God will preserve us and bring us into his presence when we die. He will not cast us away.

I don't know about you, but this fuels me! This gives me such confidence in a great Savior who will carry me along. Have a great week, one and all.


hello bubba: is "access" the word prosagoga? If so, then it is "face to face" kind of access. Was it Fannie Crosby who wrote the song "Face to Face with Christ my Saviour.."

much love,

Correction: It was Mrs. Frank A. Breck who wrote the song. Reminds me to check my quotes rather than guess.

Great song, though.

Diana Simpson said…
keep up the blogging! I love 2 hear from you! dd

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