
Showing posts from July, 2008


You just gotta love the irony of my last post. But since resolving to blog more I have: 1) Finished a difficult semester; 2) Taken over as manager at Starbucks; and 3) Had the two busiest months of the year after taking over as manager. Come on. Those are good excuses. Nevertheless, it always helps me to think more clearly about important matters when I write them down. So I'll make a quick observation. I've been studying the chapters in the Bible related to the Mosaic covenant (Exodus 19-24). This has been a very rich study. Today I am struck by the number of times in these chapters that the distance between God and man is emphasized, particularly because of God's holiness and our sinfulness. Many times throughout these chapters the people are said to fear the Lord. Also Moses comes up on Mt. Sinai 'by invitation only.' The spirit of the age has little patience for this reality. Belief in God is seen as an option, or if one does believe in God it is often god-the-