
Showing posts from February, 2012

Are we relaxing our grasp of the gospel?

This quote gets me all pumped up. I have been given the privilege of preaching through 2 Timothy, beginning this Sunday, Lord willing. Check it out: The church of our day urgently needs to heed the message of this second letter of Paul to Timothy. For all around us we see Christians and churches relaxing their grasp of the gospel, fumbling it, in danger of letting it drop from their hands altogether. A new generation of young Timothys is needed, who will guard the sacred deposit of the gospel, who are determined to proclaim it and are prepared to suffer for it, and who will pass it on pure and uncorrupted to the generation which in due course will rise up to follow them. This is from John Stott's small commentary on 2 Timothy . It's not just for pastors and scholars, so I strongly recommend you get it and use it!

Parents: Fear the Lord!

Prov. 14:22 "In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge." Parents, for your children's sake: Fear the Lord, and not man! Great book on the subject of fear of God, rather than fear of man: Ed Welch's When People are Big, and God is Small: Overcoming Codependency, Peer Pressure, and the Fear of Man.

Access to God in John Owen's Words

Incredible quote from John Owen (1616-1683) on our access to God in prayer: The foundation of all our confidence in our access unto God, the right and title we have to approach unto him, is laid in the blood of Christ, the sacrifice he offered, the atonement he made, and the remission of sins which he obtained thereby From Owen's Works, volume 3.