
Showing posts from October, 2009

Leadership Lessons from 50 Years of Experience

Great stuff from Chuck Swindoll at JT's blog . Here are 3 of his top ten leadership lessons learned: 1) It’s lonely to lead. Leadership involves tough decisions. The tougher the decision, the lonelier it is. 2) It’s dangerous to succeed. I’m most concerned for those who aren’t even 30 and are very gifted and successful. Sometimes God uses someone right out of youth, but usually he uses leaders who have been crushed 3) It’s hardest at home. No one ever told me this in Seminary. Click here to read the rest.

The Devastating Aftershocks of a Great Earthquake

Desiring God blog today linked to another blogger ( Randy Alcorn ), writing on the effects of an act of sexual immorality . I read through the list and found it quite sobering. I intend to make a list like this for myself.