Outline of the four sermons in the series "who needs the gospel?"
Needs the Gospel?
to make the gospel central in our lives, in our church,
in our mission to the world
1. I do—1 Corinthians 15:1-5
*Big idea: Each one of us has a
personal, daily, ongoing need for the gospel
A. Old news, but not dead news (1-2)
The word for “gospel” simply means good news. A
message that is proclaimed. News of victory in war or something like that.
· Confusion
in the church at Corinth means Paul needs to clarify what the right gospel actually is. He goes on to
do this in verses 3-5
· The
Corinthians received this gospel, stand in this gospel, are being saved by this
gospel. In other words, it’s still relevant. It’s not dead.
They must keep on believing, and never give up
the hope this gospel offers
B. Old news, but still critical news
Critical because it’s the same news taught by
Jesus, and it’s the same news taught by all the other Apostles
· Critical
because the news that Jesus died means that our sins are all atoned for; we are
forgiven because Christ was forsaken for us
· Critical
because the news that Jesus was resurrected means our forgiveness is certain,
and the risen Jesus lives for us
Critical because Paul says this is the most
important news ever: “of first
importance” (v. 3).
Application: Beware of at least four ways in which we say “Not me. I don’t need
the gospel” when we should be saying, “I do! I need the gospel every day!”
Negligence: we fail to rehearse the basic facts
of God, Man, Christ, Response
· Emotions:
we let fear or sadness or shame proclaim their bad news to the point that we
can’t hear the good news
· Condemnation:
we turn criticisms or failures into news that is more important than the good
news. Christ took all our sins and failures on himself on the cross and atoned
for every one of them.
Legalism: C.J. Mahaney’s definition of legalism:
“Legalism is seeking to achieve forgiveness from God and acceptance by God
through my obedience to God.” Legalism makes our good works into the good news
that saves us, rather than letting Christ’s good work on the cross save us.
2. The Church does—1 Cor. 15:1-5; Rom. 8:29; John 15:12
*Big idea: The church needs the gospel because the church
only makes sense because of the gospel
A. Remember the basics: God, Man,
Christ, Response
The basic message is for individuals for sure
But as 1 Cor. 15:3 made clear, the gospel has a
community element: Christ died for our
Question: What does the church have to do with the gospel? Answer: everything.
“Brothers” in 1 Cor. 15:1 is a theological word:
the church at Corinth exists because God has taken isolated spiritual orphans
and brought them together into God’s new family
· God’s
plan has always been to create a new people for himself through his Word
· God
in his wisdom has not left each of us to be lone ranger Christians
Mark Dever has said, “Christian proclamation
might make the gospel audible, but Christians
living together in local congregations make the gospel visible.”
Gospel-neediness within the local church is reflected in the “one-anothers”
John 15:12 is a foundational one-another
statement: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved
· It’s
foundational because it shows that the gospel is to drive the way we treat one
another; we are to love in the way that Jesus has loved us
Love, humility, and unity are three categories
that can be given to summarize many of the 50+ one-another statements in the
New Testament (see appendix to this outline for a listing of nearly all of the
one-another statements)
3. My Neighbors do—Luke 10:25-37
*Big idea: When you love God, you will love like God,
because you know how you have been loved by God
A. Follow Jesus
Loving God means following Jesus, and submitting
to his authority in your life
Love fulfills the Law
True love for God always results in loving
neighbor. A good root bears good fruit.
Love is not limited
True love for God and neighbor never asks the
question “Who is my neighbor?” To ask that question is to look for an out, a
loophole in finding out who I must love. Love is not limited.
· Love
does not “pass by on the other side.”
Love happily embraces needy, messy people
wherever they may be found.
Love is detailed
Love is detailed and thorough because it is
marked by compassion
The compassion shown by the Samaritan reminds us
of God’s love for us demonstrated in the Gospel
Love asks the right question
The right question to ask is “Am I a neighbor?”
The person who asks that “right question” is
willing to love needy, messy people
Application questions
“Am I a neighbor?” Is there anyone in my life
who is not a Christian who would call me their friend? In other words, they
sense that I love them and I am committed to them as the Samaritan was to the
needy, messy man in the story that Jesus told
· “Am
I too busy to be a neighbor?” In my list of priorities for my life, do I
include time in my schedule to love my neighbors?
“Is our church a neighbor to our community?”
4. The World does—Matthew 28:16-20
*Big idea: Every follower of Christ is part of the Great Commission
A. The greatness of the risen Jesus
Jesus comes near and speaks to his disciples who
had abandoned him, showing his mercy and willingness to forgive
Jesus makes clear that he is the long awaited
Son of Man prophesied in Daniel 7. Thus, all authority in heaven and on earth
belongs to him
The mission given by the risen Jesus
The mission is to make disciples
· The
people who carry out the mission are all those who follow Jesus as his
disciples, not merely a special group of people
· The
mission is carried out wherever disciples go, by baptizing new disciples into
the community of disciples, and by teaching them to obey all the Jesus has
No individual follower of Christ is exempt from
the call to make disciples, even though every individual disciple will play a
different role in the process
The presence of the risen Jesus
The task would truly be impossible without God’s
Disciples have God’s power present with them in
the person of the Holy Spirit