No Lone Ranger Christians

I have a daily, ongoing, personal need for the gospel. The good news that Christ has taken the curse upon himself--though I deserved it (see Galatians 3:13)--changes how I view each and every day.

But I’m not the only one.

I’m not a Lone Ranger Christian, and I was never meant to be. And if you’ve received the gospel as the good news that it is, and if you’re standing firm in it, then it only makes sense that you too would surround yourself with others who have likewise received it and are standing in it. That’s the church. That’s why Paul calls the church at Corinth his “brothers and sisters” (1 Cor. 15:1, NIV). It’s because they, like Paul, have received God as their Heavenly Father because of the atoning sacrifice Jesus made for their sins. Though Paul and these folks at Corinth were formerly spiritual orphans, they’ve now received a spiritual adoption through the gospel.

That’s a summary of what we at New Cov considered last week. But we didn’t just leave it there with those glorious theological truths. We saw how theology is practical. We saw that a theology of our adoption in Christ brings us into a new family, the family of God. And we saw that we are to express that theological truth in the “one-anothers.”

Click here to see a link to a blog post with an infographic that lays out a summary of the one-anothers in a helpful way.

And click here to see a simple PDF I found that lists off all the “one-anothers.” Perhaps you could pray through that list of verses, asking the Spirit to convict you of ways you are failing to care properly for your brothers and sisters.

After all, we are called to “do good to all, but especially the housefhold of faith” Gal 6:10. And this calling is fueled by the gospel! Don’t forget John 15:12 “as I have loved you.” If Christ poured out his life even unto death, shouldn’t we demonstrate that same sacrificial love to those for whom he also died?


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John Eliot Power, Jr.