At the Root of All that is There...

Psalm 33:4 and following tell of the creation of all things by means of the spoken words of God. As I reflected on these words this morning I was struck by the thought that nothing we see exists independently of God’s act of speaking. Around every corner lurks something that is there because of God’s Word, whether dependently or independently. For if it is something man-made it can only be there because “God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion'” (Gen. 1:26a). Our creativity is God’s creativity in shadow and whisper.

At the root of all that is there lies the voice of God.

Is what we see in chaos? Is it in ruin? This is where the Fall enters in. These sadnesses are the greasy fingerprints of humans on God’s clean, white linens. It only makes us yearn all the more for “a new earth” (Rev. 21:1).

Related Helpful Books:
The God Who is There
Knowing God


Even so, come Lord Jesus. A prayer from the earliest of saints. Did Jessica tell you of the new believer saved from sins dread sway and with no church background who exclaimed, when told of the second coming, "HE'S COMING BACK?" I love that story. Love, Dad

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John Eliot Power, Jr.