Efficiency and Productivity to the Glory of God

I recently was directed a great blog: "What's Best Next." In the "About" section author Matt Perman says his blog is about "integrating the big picture with everyday decisions so that we can do things better in life, work, business, and society." I was instantly intrigued. After checking it out more and reading it faithfully, I have yet to be disappointed. I highly encourage friends and family interested in being more efficient and productive to look into this blog, as well as to look into the foundational book (not by the same guy), "Getting Things Done."

I am already finding that I am being much more productive, though I have a long way to go, and that it is much more honoring to the Lord to steward well what he has given me to do. In other words, I'm getting things done better than ever (which will hopefully someday include regular conversations with my loved ones who are far away! Love you mom!). And since everything that comes my way is from the Lord (see Psalm 24:1), it is clearly a better use of my resources to handle them efficiently and productively.


Anonymous said…
Me, too, Bubba, me, too. My basic training in the USMC did so much for the efficient use of time starting with getting up early in the AM. We called it zero-dark-thirty. We would hit the deck when we heard the scratch of the record that played reveille. I think I almost had my boots laced before the song ended. Heeey, heey hay. Love, Poppy

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