Dutiful Brother

My sister Diana ordered me to post something. So here I go, dutiful brother that I am.

I am two assignments away from completing another semester at Southern Seminary. This is pretty exciting. Yes, it is always nice to finish a semester, knowing I'm that much closer to the end, and knowing that I can thank the Lord for that much more grace that he has given over a sustained period of time. But the most exciting thing about finishing a semester is probably surprising to some: it means I'm that much closer to starting another semester. Ha! I love what I study, I love the classes I take, and I love the whole seminary experience. I have grown as a Christian a great deal the last 3 years. Much of that growth comes through my church, Clifton Baptist Church. And the rest of that growth comes through the knowledge, wisdom, and skills I have gained at SBTS. For that I am particularly grateful to God.

Happy Saturday to all. I'm off to work...


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