The Lord's Supper: How Could We?

Helpful thoughts on the Lord's Supper:
A quote from Calvin's Institutes, found in the December 2010 edition of the Banner of Truth magazine, on our worthiness to take the Lord's Supper:

Therefore, this is the worthiness – the best and only kind we can bring to God –
to offer our vileness (and so to speak) our unworthiness to him so that we might be lifted up by him; to accuse ourselves so that we may be justified by him;
moreover, to aspire to that unity which he commends to us in his Supper; and, as he makes all of us one in himself, to desire one soul, one heart, one tongue for all…
The key question:
How could we, needy and bare of all good, befouled with sins, half-dead, eat the Lord’s body worthily?
I love the answer:
Rather, we shall think that we, as being poor, come to a kindly giver; as sick, to a physician; as sinners, to the Author of righteousness; finally, as dead, to him who gives us life. We shall think that the worthiness, which is commended by God, consists chiefly in faith, which reposes all things in Christ, but nothing in ourselves.

HT: 9 Marks


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John Eliot Power, Jr.