Christ the Savior Takes on Depression

Tony Reinke posts each Friday on letters from John Newton. Today he tells about Newton's friend Joshua Symonds, who struggled daily with depression-like tendencies.

Newton told Symonds that he was thinking too little of Christ's power to save. Newton thus challenged Symonds and us to look to Christ, look to his gospel constantly. I like this quote:
You have not, you cannot have, anything in the sight of God, but what you derive from the righteousness and atonement of Jesus. If you could keep him more constantly in view, you would be more comfortable. He would be more honored.…Let us pray that we may be enabled to follow the apostle’s, or rather the Lord’s command by him, Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice [Philippians 4:4]. We have little to rejoice in ourselves, but we have right and reason to rejoice in him.

Click HERE to read the whole thing.


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