The High Cost of a High View of a Woman's Choice

This blog is my place to express how I view the Christian life. That is a large task because, obviously, 'life' involves quite a few things! One thing I would like to occasionally express is my view of politics through a Christian worldview. In other words, as I seek to obey the God who has revealed himself in the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the written Scriptures he has graciously given--which is how I would begin a definition of a Christian worldview--I have to be willing to sometimes say and believe things that aren't very popular.

President Barack Obama is very popular. Many view him as a kind of King Midas who turns everything he touches into gold. This is probably because he is an exceptionally inspiring person! And, truth be told, I like him as a person. But for his views on many things, I radically and passionately disagree with him. Once such view is that I think he is absolutely dead wrong on his views related to abortion and a woman's choice. For example, Justin Taylor has recently posted on one of President Obama's early acts as our country's executive. You can read about here.

The summarizing statement provided by Francis Beckwith at the end of that post is sobering:

"Apparently, the only way our daughters can be successful is if they are permitted to kill our grandchildren. So, without surgery so that women can be like men, women are unequal to men. Thus, according to Obama, women are congenitally inferior unless they can have abortions. I don't even think the worst chauvinists in the world have implied anything so outrageous."

I humbly submit my complete agreement to these bold comments.


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John Eliot Power, Jr.