Are you "crammed with filth?"

The Christian life, according to John Calvin (1509-1594) is to be one marked by holiness. Indeed, for a Christian to continue on and on in a life of impurity is simply unChristian. Calvin says the one who dwells before God in his Sanctuary (which is done only through the blood of Jesus!) must strive to do so with increasing growth in holiness. Here is the great quote with which Calvin summarizes this idea:

"For it is highly unfitting that the sanctuary in which [God] dwells should like a stable be crammed with filth."

With the Spirit's help, rooted in the Scriptures, let us strive towards ever-increasing Christ-likeness. In other words, don't be crammed with filth!

By the way: in case it's not clear, "Sanctuary" doesn't refer to the place where we gather on Sunday mornings. Rather, Calvin is speaking of the very throne room of God into which Christ brings us when we repent and believe in Christ. The book of Hebrews especially unpacks this.


Anonymous said…
I told you I would visit your blog! Very encouraging and challenging post brother. May we strive by God's grace and Spirit working in us toward holiness knowing that he is at work in us for his good pleasure. Oren
Darren Jennings said…
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Darren Jennings said…
Hey John, I found your blog through Scott Daniel's. Good words from Calvin.
My thoughts on his quote are that it seems that Calvin believes it is unfitting for our sanctuary to be 'crammed with filth', but when I see Paul in Romans 7 pouring out a confession of what he feels is his 'filth' or rather 'nothing good' dwelling in him. I don't feel as if this is a confession of his past, but rather even though we serve the law of God with our minds, we also serve with our members and do evil. So my only concern really is how Calvin might define filth. For I live in the filth of my sin daily.

"For it highly fitting that in our sanctuary in which [God] dwells should like a stable be crammed with filth, but through His holiness we exercise His precepts and are counted Righteous in Christ Jesus." - darren

Yea dude see ya around work sometime!
johnepower said…

Thanks for visiting and commenting. I think your comments are valid and thought-provoking.
The context for Calvin's quote is a concern for clarity in regards to the Christian life. It is as if he seeks to answer the question, "Does a true Christian tolerate filth? Does he or she just let it lie around with no concern of cleanliness?" His answer is "no." The sanctuary of God is not apathetically crammed with filth. The one who has zero(and I think Calvin actually would mean zero, not .000001) concern for the filth needs to be concerned about whether he is truly trusting in Christ. Hope that helps!
johnepower said…

Thanks for visiting. Please leave your shoes at the door.

Darren Jennings said…
Yeah that does help. thank brother. :)

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