When the Gospel is Central

What happens in your life when the gospel is front and center? Better yet, what happens in the local church when the gospel is front and center? 

Beginning this Sunday, New Covenant Christian Fellowship is going to spend four weeks thinking about those very questions. We’re going to do this for a couple of reasons. 

The first reason is simply that everyone has some idea or concept that is of primary importance in their life. This is true regardless of whether or not that message is right or good. 

The second reason is  that the New Testament makes it clear over and over again that the message of Jesus Christ, slain for sinners, is the most important truth that there is. So for the Christian, that message is the idea that should govern all their thoughts and actions. Apart from the truth of the gospel, nothing else in this world makes much sense.

But what exactly does that mean? How does that pan out in my day-to-day life? How does that affect the life and ministry of my local church, and of my church’s involvement in local and global missions?

My hope is that we will come away with some clear, helpful answers to those questions. So I’m really excited about this series. Would you join me in praying that the Spirit of God would flood our hearts with light? Light to see the Savior clearly, and to delight in the Savior deeply.

Finally, here are a couple of reading suggestions to get you started thinking about this topic on your own: the book of Ephesians, The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney, What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert.


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John Eliot Power, Jr.