The Bible in the life of the church

This is a great article from Jonathan Leeman. Click here.

Essentially, it is a distillation of his excellent little book called Reverberation. This is an extremely helpful book that addresses what the Bible actually does in the life of a church, that is, when the people make room for it. In other words, the church must let the Spirit of God use the word he has sovereignly inspired. Here's a taste of the article:

For starters, God’s Word creates the church, not detached Christians. It creates a group of believers who are covenantally united in one Lord, faith, baptism, and remission of sins. “So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:38414:46:7). God’s Word actually creates local churches. It unites you and me to other Christians, and the local church is the place on planet earth where we demonstrate and practice our Word-created unity.
You will find, therefore, that Bible understanding and Bible living work best in the context of church membership. Here are seven reasons our growth should be centered on listening to God’s Word in the context of the local church:

Read the seven reasons--and the rest of the article--here.

HT: Kevin McKay, Grace Harbor Church


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