
Practicing "too much" is something I have never done. My failed golf career is evidence of this. Over at the CCEF blog Ed Welch tells us of our need to overpractice the gospel. "Over-practice. Use any excuse to get back to the cross itself and then—do it again." I especially like this quote:
It is supposed to work this way: we practice saying no to sexual sin everyday. We care for and enjoy those things and people that God gives us and don’t covet what he doesn’t give us. So, when drawn to an alluring advertisement, a sexual fantasy or flirtatious though seemingly harmless banter, we say no. We practice on the smaller steps, and practice some more. Then we are prepared if we ever have to face bigger ones.
Here are the main points:
1. Never give thanks for blessings you can see without remembering the blessings you can’t see.
2. Confess sin, often. Again…over-practice.
3. Take advantage of fellowship.

And the conclusion:
So… when in doubt….over-practice. Musicians, athletes (and better calculus students) know it helps them when the pressure comes. Over-practice your faith and the same will be true there as well. The means of spiritual growth aren’t always flashy, but they are effective.
Read the whole thing.


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John Eliot Power, Jr.