Open Your Eyes!

Bob Kauflin has an interesting post about worship leaders needing to open their eyes more when they're leading. His thoughts are interesting and worth reading. But they're not just for leaders. He ends up offering some helpful reminders for what's going on when we're in a corporate worship setting. To whet your appetite, here are some of the possible (bad) reasons for leaders closing their eyes:
* we want to look spiritual
* we think the Holy Spirit likes closed eyes more than opened eyes
* we don’t want to look at the faces of people who seem apathetic, concerned, confused, or angry about what we’re doing
* we’re battling fear of man and the easiest thing to do is just pretend that no one else is around
* we don’t want to see who walks out of the room
* we’re discouraged by the dwindling number of people showing up on Sundays
* we’re imagining that this is our own personal encounter with God
* we don’t remember the words to the next verse
* we can’t think of anything better to do

Not to mention that worship leaders who shut their eyes sometimes look more like they’re in pain than in God’s presence.

I especially like the last one! Also, don't forget about his book.


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John Eliot Power, Jr.