Be Productive, but don't be Discouraged!

I feel like I've been trying to get my act together with productivity for years. Well, by the grace of God, the last 6 months have seen some great progress in this area of my life.

Matt Perman's blog has been a tremendous asset in this regard, and I credit him with really sparking my interest. His original vision-casting posts from when he launched the blog are quite helpful: see here and here. Not to mention his great method for the best use of email. (It's long, but well worth your time!).

Recently he provided this encouraging quote from Time Management from the Inside Out:
The worst thing to do is berate yourself for not getting everything done, for periodically procrastinating, and for slowing down from time to time. The time and energy you spend feeling guilty create a downward spiral of nonproductivity. Even the most productive people occasionally have off days. The thing that makes them good time managers is that they realize these things are a part of life, forgive themselves, make the necessary adjustments to their schedules, and move on.

All the while we ought to do this to the glory of God (see 1 Cor. 10:31).


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John Eliot Power, Jr.